Q&A SMP Tunas Unggul
We understand that you may have questions or confusion about our services. To make it easier to find the information you need, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Please explore these questions to find the answers you are looking for. If your question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact our team via Whatsapp.
SMP Tunas Unggul uses the National Curriculum and adapts the International curriculum which is called the Middle School Program (MSP). These two curriculum are combined and specifically designed as a typical curriculum program for SMP Tunas Unggul.
SMP Tunas Unggul understands that a more challenging future requires strong leaders. Therefore, SMP Tunas Unggul prepares every child and equips them with various life skills with religion as the basis of all these provisions.
SMP Tunas Unggul has a spiritual or ruhiyah program which aims to form a religious generation. One of the implementations of this program is the tahfidz program. The students are expected to finish their memorization or tahfidz program on juz 30 and 29.
SMP Tunas Unggul has quite strict regulations on the use of gadget. In this case, the devices used are laptops and smartphones. Laptops may only be carried and used if they are related to learning activities. Meanwhile, carrying a smartphone must be accompanied by a special permit which is provided by school. During the lesson, the smartphone must be left with the mentor and can be taken after leaving time.
Tunas Unggul is a full day school, from Monday-Friday, which starts its learning activities at 7 a.m and finishes at around 3.30 p.m (after Ashar prayer). On Friday, the lesson ends at 2.30 p.m then continues with extracurricular activities
Each class has a maximum of 25 students.
Yes, SMP Tunas Unggul provides pick-up and catering services. This service is not mandatory for every student and requires additional charges.
There are 5 uniforms worn by SMP Tunas Unggul students: the blue plaid patterned uniform (Monday and Wednesday), scout uniform (Tuesday), pangsi for men and kebaya for women (Thursday), school batik (Friday), and sports uniform (conditionally according to schedule)
There are more than 10 extracurriculars offered to the students. The available extracurriculars are mainly divided into 4 fields: sports, spirituality (ruhiyah), science and arts.